Thank You My Dear Friend!

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello guys!
I want to tell you about my story when I was desperated but then came a R E L I E F.

One day, it was Saturday. I was so enthusiastic that day. Because that I day I planned to go to a Bazaar at my old school, 5 Junior High School. The bazaar called 'Biodiversity'.

I went to 5 Junior High School with my blue blouse and black jeans. There's so many stand whiches sold some food and drink.  I was sooo happy when I met my old friends because I MISS THEM SO BAD! We chatted about so many things we've had in Senior High School. We laughed because our old jokes and we did stuffs such as we bought Green Tea, Grilled Sausages, and many more. We also took some pictures there.

We were so excited as our favorite singer will go to the bazaar. He was Jaz, the 'Dari Mata' singer who successed on promoting his new songs.

Suddenly one of my friend approached me, She gave me a PhotoFrame, that there's me and my closest friends in Junior High School photos in it. The photos were so great, there's me posing with my dearest friend. The important thing in the picture frame was the memory, I could remember those memories that me and my friends've had in Junior High School.

Because the frame was so big, It wouldn't fit in my tiny blue bag. So, I put it at the Security Office. I really want to enjoy my time with my friends so I put it there so It wasn't disturbing me.

I went to the front, near the stage so I could see the performances closer. Me and my friends realllyyy enjoyed the performance from the start till' the end of the event.
The event was from 2pm untill 5pm. But I went home at 6 because I prayed Maghrib first then I waited my parents to pick  me up.

When I already at home, I remember my picture wasn't there, I FORGOT TO BRING IT BACK. I felt so clumsy and I was panicking that evening. The problem wasn't the picture, exactly, It was because there is memories in it.

Suddenly one of my friend in Senior High School, Soraya, chatted me on line. She said :
'Amalia, you forgot to bring your picture from the Security Office'

I responded the chat fastly.

I replied. I said that because she didn't even know that I put my picture at the security office.

'Calm down, calm down, hahaha' she replied.

'I cannot :('

'I'll explain it to you then, Ilham said that the security asked him, who's the owner of the picture, then Ilham took it and gave it to me because I am in the same class with you'
She explained.

Ilham and Soraya came to the events too, they are my schoolmates. But Ilham isn't in  the same class with me, he is in X-Science-6. So he gave it to Soraya who is in the same class with me, X-Science-1.

'So you brought it home with you?' I asked.

'Yeah' She replied.

'Ahhh, Thank you so much Soraya. Without you, my picture frame would be gone right now.'

'No problem, you're welcome'

The next day ...

I approached Soraya who was reading a book.

'Sorayaaaaa' I called her name with my loud voice.

'Yeaah, Don't be panic again. I brought your picture frame.' She said as she gave me a plastic bag with my picture frame in it.

I felt sooo relieved that I got my picture back with me!
'I can't tell you how thankful I am for you and what you have done to help me. Thank you for your kindness my dear friend!' I thanked her as I was grateful that she helped me.

'You're welcome Amalia! :)' She said.


in case you curious about the one who helped me, She is Soraya Faizah you can visit her blog

thankyou for visiting my blog, have a nice day pals!


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